Benefits of a Concrete Pumping Machine with Hose

In the construction industry, speed is key as it contributes to fewer expenses and adds to a contractor’s reputation. Additionally, one is able to undertake more projects thus increasing revenue streams. With the addition of a concrete pumping machine with a hose to your site, you are guaranteed to reap major benefits in terms of operational efficiency and time.

This article will help you get an understanding of the different types of concrete pump machines(maquina de bombeo de concreto) with hoses and their advantages.

Concrete Mixing Pump
Concrete Mixing Pump

Types of Concrete Pump Machines with Hose

1. Truck Mounted Pump
2. Stationary Pump

Benefits of Concrete Pumping Machine with Hose

1. Increased Pouring Speed

The rate of speed that a contractor is able to pour concrete greatly influences the number of projects they can handle. When compared to other concrete pouring methods such as manual pouring, using a concrete pumping machine with a hose attached to it proves to be a more efficient way. In addition, concrete pumping machines(bomba hormigonera) are able to maintain long working hours as opposed to laborers who must go on breaks every now and then.

2. Reduced Labor Costs

In recent years, sourcing skilled labor has become a real problem within the construction industry. Further, when such labor is found, it proves to be expensive as these individuals are highly sought after by other companies. When it comes to concrete pouring, there is no denying that labor is required. However, with the addition of a concrete pouring machine with a hose, you are able to significantly reduce labor costs as it can be operated by one or two personnel.

Concrete Trailer Pump
Concrete Trailer Pump

3. Improves Concrete Strength

When using manual labor to prepare concrete, there is a tendency to use excess water when mixing the concrete. Additionally, these laborers may not be privy to concrete mixing standards and thus mix the concrete incorrectly. However, a concrete pumping machine is able to use less water while mixing thus reducing shrinkage and cracking of the concrete once it sets. Therefore, you are guaranteed of durable and longer-lasting structures by using this machine.

4. Increased Accuracy and Precision

The use of a AIMIX concrete pumping machine greatly increases the accuracy of pouring on any construction site. In particular, the hose attached to the machine can be directly pointed towards the area of pouring thus reducing wastage and unnecessary spills. Therefore, contractors and project managers can save a few extra coins and channel them to other expenses that need to be met.

5. Easier Clean Up

We have already seen that the hose attached to the concrete pumping machine allows contractors to have better precision when pouring concrete. When it comes to cleaning up a job site, truck-mounted concrete pumping machines assure the client and contractor that the job site will have less debris and spillage to clean after the project is completed. When compared to manual pouring which involves a lot of spillages, concrete pumps save time.

If you need to save on time and costs on any job site, a concrete pumping machine with a hose is a worthwhile investment to consider. Contact us today to begin your journey of owning a concrete pumping machine. Have a peek at this web-site: